segunda-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2015

Valencia dá o exemplo na Mobilidade

A cidade espanhola de Valencia acaba de criar uma plataforma para a qual chamou 40 organizações públicas e privadas, mobilizando-as para uma nova filosofia urbana capaz de inverter o atual panorama em que apenas 25 por cento da população usa os transportes públicos, enquanto quatro em cada cinco utiliza os transportes privados.
A ideia do alcaide Joan Ribó, é melhorar a democracia participativa recolhendo ideias e contributos que permitam à cidade ter uma verdadeira política de Mobilidade.  
Neste apelo à sociedade, o autarca incluiu  representantes de transportes, comércio, educação e associações de bairro, sindicatos e organizações sociais. Uma mobilização que pretende contrariar, na sua opinião, "o sufoco" da economia provocada pelo uso excessivo dos automóveis que trazem, igualmente, um problema para a saúde das pessoas e prejuízos para o meio ambiente. os participantes vão poder desenhar e redesenhar novas práticas em áreas tão distintas como "saúde pública, educação, ciclismo, caminhadas, transporte público, táxis, acessibilidade, transporte urbano de mercadorias / logística da cidade e política de estacionamento", de acordo com o Observatório da Mobilidade Urbana.

Valencia creates citizen-led urban mobility board (Spain)

By Editor / Updated: 07 Dec 2015
The city council of Valencia has established a board made up of 40 civic organisations, businesses and public administrations that it hopes will help improve urban mobility in the Spanish city.
Launched by Valencia Mayor Joan Ribó late last month, the board was created as a body of citizen participation and discussion, with the aim to be informational and consultative, and to collect citizens' proposals on mobility.
Less than a quarter of Valencians use public transport, and almost four out of five people travel in private cars.
Ribo said that this dominance of private vehicles stifles the economy, affects health and damages the environment.
He added that Valencia needs a change of urban philosophy and must introduce, ‘an element that was missing until now: participative democracy’.
The new board is composed of representatives from transport, trade, education and neighbourhood associations, trade unions and social organisations.
It will perform its duties through sectoral working committees. It has already proposed the creation of committees that focus on public health, education, cycling, walking, public transport, taxis, accessibility, urban freight/city logistics and parking policy.
For more information, visit (link is external) (in Spanish)
Image copyright: Valencia (link is external) (image on Flickr) by "Juanedc (link is external)", licensed under CC BY 2.0 (link is external)
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Valencia creates citizen-led urban mobility board (Spain)

By Editor / Updated: 07 Dec 2015
The city council of Valencia has established a board made up of 40 civic organisations, businesses and public administrations that it hopes will help improve urban mobility in the Spanish city.
Launched by Valencia Mayor Joan Ribó late last month, the board was created as a body of citizen participation and discussion, with the aim to be informational and consultative, and to collect citizens' proposals on mobility.
Less than a quarter of Valencians use public transport, and almost four out of five people travel in private cars.
Ribo said that this dominance of private vehicles stifles the economy, affects health and damages the environment.
He added that Valencia needs a change of urban philosophy and must introduce, ‘an element that was missing until now: participative democracy’.
The new board is composed of representatives from transport, trade, education and neighbourhood associations, trade unions and social organisations.
It will perform its duties through sectoral working committees. It has already proposed the creation of committees that focus on public health, education, cycling, walking, public transport, taxis, accessibility, urban freight/city logistics and parking policy.
For more information, visit (link is external) (in Spanish)
Image copyright: Valencia (link is external) (image on Flickr) by "Juanedc (link is external)", licensed under CC BY 2.0 (link is external)
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Valencia creates citizen-led urban mobility board (Spain)

By Editor / Updated: 07 Dec 2015
The city council of Valencia has established a board made up of 40 civic organisations, businesses and public administrations that it hopes will help improve urban mobility in the Spanish city.
Launched by Valencia Mayor Joan Ribó late last month, the board was created as a body of citizen participation and discussion, with the aim to be informational and consultative, and to collect citizens' proposals on mobility.
Less than a quarter of Valencians use public transport, and almost four out of five people travel in private cars.
Ribo said that this dominance of private vehicles stifles the economy, affects health and damages the environment.
He added that Valencia needs a change of urban philosophy and must introduce, ‘an element that was missing until now: participative democracy’.
The new board is composed of representatives from transport, trade, education and neighbourhood associations, trade unions and social organisations.
It will perform its duties through sectoral working committees. It has already proposed the creation of committees that focus on public health, education, cycling, walking, public transport, taxis, accessibility, urban freight/city logistics and parking policy.
For more information, visit (link is external) (in Spanish)
Image copyright: Valencia (link is external) (image on Flickr) by "Juanedc (link is external)", licensed under CC BY 2.0 (link is external)
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